The system variable pmouseX always contains the horizontal
position of the mouse in the frame previous to the current frame.
You may find that pmouseX and pmouseY have different values
when referenced inside of draw() and inside of mouse events like
mousePressed() and mouseMoved(). Inside draw(),
pmouseX and pmouseY update only once per frame (once per trip
through the draw() loop). But inside mouse events, they update each
time the event is called. If these values weren't updated immediately during
events, then the mouse position would be read only once per frame, resulting
in slight delays and choppy interaction. If the mouse variables were always
updated multiple times per frame, then something like line(pmouseX, pmouseY,
mouseX, mouseY) inside draw() would have lots of gaps, because
pmouseX may have changed several times in between the calls to
If you want values relative to the previous frame, use pmouseX and
pmouseY inside draw(). If you want continuous response, use
pmouseX and pmouseY inside the mouse event functions.
// Move the mouse quickly to see the difference // between the current and previous position void draw() { background(204); line(mouseX, 20, pmouseX, 80); println(mouseX + " : " + pmouseX); }

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